Each September, Heartland Recovery recognizes National Recovery Month, a time to increase awareness and celebrate the successes of those who battle addiction.
Here are some ways you can get involved to show your support to the recovery community and make a difference!
Addiction & The Church Seminar.
Join Heartland Recovery for this 1-day informational seminar designed to equip church leaders with the knowledge and tools to help their congregation effectively identify, support, and welcome individuals with substance abuse disorders and those coming out of incarceration. When the church puts faith into action to embrace these individuals, it makes a significant impact. Session speakers have many years of experience working in various aspects of addiction recovery and incarceration. DOWNLOAD EVENT FLYER
To be held at Heartland Community Church, 6434 Shelby Co. Rd. 150, Bethel, MO 63434.
8:30am – Sign In & Coffee Bar
9am – Welcome / Addiction Awareness Intro
9:45am – Sessions: Recognition & Right Response, and Being a Welcoming & Loving Church
12pm – Lunch (Provided On Site)
1pm – Sessions: Discipling through Addiction, and Pursuing Addicts Outside the Church
2:45pm – Q&A Panel
The event is free, but your donation to help offset costs is welcome. To register, call 573-633-5603 or click here to register online by Sept. 6th.
Essentials Drive Fundraiser.
For our September fundraiser, we’ll be holding an essentials drive to collect personal care hygiene products, clothing, and school supplies for Recovery residents who struggle to afford these basic necessities. Many coming into the Program have just the clothes they are wearing or a handful of belongings. CLICK FOR DETAILS
*Please note that your donation is for the “Essentials Drive”

Chili Cook-Off
Think you’ve got the best chili recipe? Enter and find out at Heartland Recovery’s annual Chili Cook-Off at the Bethel Colony Fall Market on Saturday, September 28th. For details, click here for our Facebook event page. There is no entry fee; winners in each category (Judged and People’s Choice) receive a trophy and $50 cash…plus bragging rights!

Rally Walk
Save the date and join us for our 5th Annual Rally Walk, an in-person run/bike/walk event on September 29th. We’ll meet at Heartland Community Church at 4pm and walk to the Men’s Recovery building, have refreshments, then walk back (about 2 miles total). Whether you’re walking to create awareness, to honor a loved one, or to celebrate your own victory, join us! Make a difference in the fight, one step at a time. No fee; open to all; click here for details on our Facebook event page.