The Misconception of Addiction as a Lifelong Disease
In the world of recovery, we are often led to believe that addiction is a disease in which there is no known cure. Most would say “once an addict, always an addict”. Many people believe that although there is no hope of ever being set free from that identity, if you follow certain steps and modify your behavior you can achieve sobriety… but you’re still an addict. What a sad and hopeless belief system. Addiction is not incurable.
Our True Identity is Found in God
God is the only One who can determine our identity and our worth, because He is the One who created us. And you will not find the principle of “once an addict, always an addict” anywhere in the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, there isn’t a biblical principle or verse anywhere that will validate or support that belief system. It’s actually quite the opposite; in Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “ALL THINGS are possible to those who believe.”
Addiction is Not the Root Problem
The secular approach to recovery says addiction is the problem. In reality, the problem is not addiction, the problem is our sin and substance abuse is simply a symptom of our sinfulness. The source of the problem lies in our belief system. What we believe about God, ourselves, our sin, and even substance abuse should be learned from God’s perspective, through the truth of God’s Word, not from the world’s view. It is only through the truth of God’s Word that we can be set free.
The Power of Truth in Overcoming Addiction
Jesus said in John 8:31-32 – “If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The truth is that substance abuse is just a symptom of the real problem, and when we try to treat the symptom of the problem without treating the problem itself, the problem still remains. The problem of substance abuse ends up killing us spiritually, mentally, and physically, as many brothers and sisters have lost their minds and their lives to the lies about addiction.
The Supernatural Power of Jesus to Overcome Addiction
In Matthew 14, we find the story of Jesus calling Peter out of the boat to walk on the water. When Peter stepped out of the boat, he had supernatural power to walk on the water because he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus. Those of us bound in addiction need the supernatural power of Jesus to overcome addiction, because there is no system of man that can come and heal our soul-sick broken heart, and only our Creator can give us a new name and a new life. Committing to fixing our eyes on Jesus for supernatural power looks like trusting in Him for the forgiveness of our sins, committing to His Word, daily prayer, and joining His family, which is His church.
Secular Recovery Programs Can’t Fix the Real Problem
I’ve been through countless secular rehabs and behavior modification programs, and none of these systems fixed my problem. All they did was temporarily treat the symptom, which only led to one relapse after another.
My Personal Journey to Healing Through Faith
After 20 years of hardcore meth addiction and almost 13 years in prison, God called me to Heartland Recovery and this is where I found the supernatural power to overcome addiction, by trusting and believing in the truth of God’s Word through a personal relationship with the One who Created me, Jesus Christ. God used His Word and His church to reveal Himself to me in supernatural ways, and it was the love of God through the people of God that broke through the hardness of my heart and opened my blind eyes. I have been completely delivered from any desire to use substances, as I now have something far better in Jesus. By God’s grace I have been completely substance-free for over 10 years.
God’s Plan for Our Lives: Abundant and Free
The fact of the matter is that God did not create us to be hopeless addicts. He created us to live an abundant life, not a broken life. A life that gives hope to the hopeless, and exemplifies His power to heal, save, and deliver.
A New Identity: More Than Overcomers in Christ
God says we are more than overcomers in Christ, royalty in His kingdom, children of the most High God, a people of integrity and honor, a people with a sound mind, a people of the Book, a people with supernatural power to do supernatural things to bring glory to God. World changers, planet shakers, generational curse breakers, a peculiar and holy people who make a difference in this world.
Not sober, but 100% delivered.
Not addicts, but a brand-new creation in Christ.
That’s who we are.
J.C. Morgan, HMRP Group Leader
The Scripture passage we use for our Recovery graduations comes from 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” You can experience the same deliverance that J.C. found. Contact us to learn more.