Jesus came to set the captives free, and we know that the church is called to be His hands and feet to help do just that.
When the church puts faith into action to embrace those with substance abuse disorders and those coming out of incarceration, it makes a significant impact.
Join Heartland Recovery, for this 1-day informational seminar on September 20, 2024. Our format is designed to provide church leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to help their congregation effectively identify, support, and welcome these individuals impacted by addiction and incarceration.
Click here to register online, or phone 573-633-5603 before 9/6/2024. The event is free, but your donation to offset costs is welcome.
Speakers for the event have a broad range of experience in areas which include licensed counseling, prison ministry, recovery programs and support groups, higher education, leading churches and outreach ministries, and more. Visit our Facebook page for details and updates.